Plans to Netflix and chill for the foreseeable future? Same. Which is why the best foot peels sound pretty appealing right about now. With winter finally behind us, it means our feet could probably use some extra attention. Boot season often goes together with rough calluses and cracked heels, leaving them hard and tough after too much wear. Fortunately, thanks to the phenomenon of Baby Foot—the internet-loved foot peel that’s equal parts incredible and disgusting—there are more options than ever for you to give your feet the baby-soft feel of a salon treatment at home, no scrubbing required.
The most popular are chemical peels. Similar to the ones for your face, most contain alpha hydroxy acids and fruit enzymes to dissolve dead skin until it literally sheds off your feet. (There’s a reason people compare Baby Foot to snake skin.) But if you’d rather not spend a week shedding, that’s where masks come in. Formulated with hydrating oils and extracts, they penetrate deep into rough spots to soften and repair skin.